Welcome to "Ann's Wish" Page! This page was created to follow Ann, Roman and Susie as they travel through Europe! We will try, depending on internet availability, to update this page often. We hope you enjoy seeing the sites through our eyes in the pictures we have posted.


Awesome Lucern!!!


The Lion monument, Lucern Switzerland


Gelato at the colosseum


When in Rome....

Sistine Chapel

Sistine Chapel
This is as close to the Pope as we got!

Sistine Chapel

Sistine Chapel
Follow the leader to the Sistine Chapel, Rome

Sistine Chapel

Sistine Chapel
Photo taken before the armed guards came in!


Roman's dream car




Venice Gondola Ride


Beautiful Venice


Haufbrau Haus Band


Beers for everyone!


Haufbrau Haus!


The Brass Monkey


We are in Germany!!!


One of the many beautiful churches


Are we ever going to get off this boat cruise!


ooooooops!!! Got in trouble for this one!



Boat to Calais

Boat to Calais
Our Taxi to Calais, France

Boat to Calais

Boat to Calais
Roman's awake!!!!!

Boat to Calais

Boat to Calais
See food for breakfast!

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge

Tower of London

Tower of London
Even Ann could'nt make this guy smile!

Tower of London

Tower of London

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace
The wind chill had to be -30! Brrrrrrrr

River Thames

River Thames
Roman's new friend!


Can you text from in here?

Westminster Abby

Westminster Abby

Westminster Abby

Westminster Abby

London Eye

London Eye

London Eye

London Eye

London Eye

London Eye
Big Ben and Parliament

London Eye

London Eye
View from inside the pod

We've been upgraded!!


Our Hotel

Hard Rock Cafe

Hard Rock Cafe
Too bad it was just his guitar!!!

London Cab

London Cab
Are'nt the cabs cute!

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle
Roman defending himself from the entire country!


Nice pile of rocks

Roman Bath

Roman Bath
Perfect fit for a nap!

Roman Bath

Roman Bath
Does'nt she look great!



Saturday, January 12, 2008

Finally back on line!!!!

YIPEEEEEE!!!! We finally got to a place with wifi!!! I hope you enjoy the pictures! I feel like I need to post a "disclaimer" for the "controversial" pictures of Roman!!! They were all staged! We are having a great time and his best interest always comes first! With every entry into a new country, Ann and I are overwhelmed with the idea that we are really here! It has been so awesome to see the things that we have always dreamed of seeing! Unbelievable at times! The Sistine Chapel has to be one of my favorites! We didn't realize that we weren't supposed to take pictures until the armed Swiss guard came in shouting "No fotographs" in their German/Italian accent!!! Thank goodness my camera wasn't using a flash! We did get some great pictures! Roman was the tour guide's favorite and got to carry the flag to lead the group to the chapel! She almost kidnapped him! We are nearing the end of our journey and even though we cant wait to get home, we will miss all of the friends we have made! Everyone on our tour has been fun and hopefully will become lifelong friends. Tomorrow we will be in Paris! I cant wait to see the sights there! Ann has been doing great! We had a little problem with the food! Every night they were feeding us some form of pork! She didn't do very well with that! I think she is over that now! No more pork for Ann! They have been very accommodating! She's probably going to be really tired of omelets!

Congratulations Drew!!!!! I heard about your game today and the 3 point shot!!! Carmello is going to want to be on the undefeated Platteville Panther team!!!! Good going buddy! I love you and I'm so proud of you! I cant wait to see you at next week's game!!!

Keep your fingers crossed that Paris will have wifi! Susie


ok...im here in....lucern switzerland. yesterday we jus walked around and....thats reely all..and today we went on a little train up this mountain in the alps where i felt like yelling RRRIIIIIIIIIICOOOOLAAAAAAA...and getting a goat...but ya lots of things here are named after willium tell..the guy that shot the arrow at the apple on his kids head....and ya today we we to Bucherers wich sounds like a slaughter house but its reely a department store....and we got swiss....swiss army knives 4 peeple....and me...its cool...got my papi a birthday present...um o ya! 2 days ago we were in florence but....there was nothing there so....ya. um okedoky. jus remember kids Don't be Wactus....Hug a Cactus


Still not blogging!!

Hello from Switzerland everyone! We are in the most gorgeous little story book town that looks like Heidi could come skipping down the mountain any minute. Yesterday we were in Florence, and before that, Rome for 2 days. Could have used Doc's skills in Italy cuz I'm sure the Italians were making fun of us, and Cletis would have come in handy before that in Germany for the same reason! Looking forward to 2 days in Paris, we will be going to the Louvre, Eifel Tower, and Moulin Rouge.

Hey Missy, thanks for the doggy training, now I need to find you something extra special from Paris! I can't believe I'm missing that rotten little dog.

There are 2 other Americans on our tour, and the rest are Australians, and they were so happy to see snow. Most of them had never seen it, it was hysterical to see them playing in it while I stayed inside drinking tea.

And Roman has had 2 weeks of no Family Guy Marty Moose, so hope your ready for a marathon!

O.K., that's all of my non-blogging for now, Susie is going to load some new pics tonight, yay!

I love and miss you all,


Monday, January 7, 2008

Too much to say!

We have been so busy and running at a fast pace! Its been really fun and a true learning experience! We are all exhausted and really tired of having to pay to go to the bathroom!!! Can you beleive that! We have to pay between 50 and 125 euro to pee! Everything here is soooooo expensive! Ow well....Its only money, wright! Today we were in Venice and had an awesome gondola ride. We had the musicians on our gondola. I have gotten in trouble more times than I can count! I swear I am going to get thrown out of the country! Silly stuff... You know me, Im not shy when it comes to photography! I guess I didnt realize that it wasnt OK to take a picture of the mens restroom sign... I just thought pissoir was funny! The guard at the door didnt agree! I did listen to the warnings at the red light district in Amsterdam! We were told that they would confiscate my camara and destroy it!! Scared me! Roman says we went window shopping in Amsterdam! He is a mess and keeps me laughing! I have a lot of great pictures but until I find somewhere to get internet access on my laptop, I cant post them! Sorry about the bad spelling! I am tired and Italy doesnt have spell check! Hopefully Rome will be better! Love to all, Susie


Who the hell is "Critters"?


I still dont blog!!!

We have been without internet for the last few days, sorry guys! We are now in Venice, still freezing our butts off, but the sights are overwhelming enough to take our minds off of it for a while. Im feeling really good, just tired. The schedule is pretty rushed without much free time. Jeff, now I know what you were talking about when you said the rooms were small, and yes, Robin, we did see Big Ben, Parliament! Tomorrow we are off to Rome for 2 nights, the first time we have gotten to stay more than one night since we left London! We are hoping for better internet connection there, so Susie will post more pics from there, none today, sorry! I love and miss you all!


Thursday, January 3, 2008

A Blustery, fun day!

It was really cold today but we had a great time! We started out at the Tower of London. We got to see the Royal Jewels! Boy, are they impressive! All of the really good spots wont allow picture taking inside! On the tours, sometimes we just don't have enough time to see everything we want to see at each spot! The guides make it very clear that they will leave without you! After the tower, we went to Buckingham Palace. We really wanted to see the changing of the guard but they only do that on the even # days! The queen is out on "holiday". So no royalty spotting! We took a boat down the river Thames and then to Westminster Abby. WOW!!!! What a place! I cant imagine how they carved all the intricate details of the statues, ceilings, crypts and memorials out of sand stone! It is truly AWESOME! Of course, we couldn't take pictures inside!!! Ann and Roman lit candles. From there we went to the London Eye. It is a huge Ferris wheel type ride that has pods for you to stand in and have a 360 degree view of London. It was just starting to get dark and a little rainy. Very beautiful! It was a long day! Roman and Ann fell asleep as soon as we got back to the room! I bet they have another 2:00 AM candy raid! We got to try authentic fish and chips with mushy peas yesterday. The fish and chips were great but mushy peas is just WRONG! Today we got to try Yorkshire pudding. Not bad, but where the heck was the pudding???? Love you and miss you, Susie

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Quite, Cold day

We all must of been suffering still from jet lag today! We didnt get up till 11:30! We did a little shopping and finally were able to find someone that new what he was talking about concerning the "electronic" issues we were having! THANK GOD!!! I have learned soooo much! I didnt know that the little box that hooks the 2 power cords together on a computer is actually a voltage regulator! We were trying things that didnt matter! The cell phone and camara will all charge off of the computer!!! YEAAAAAAA! So enjoy the pictures! Lot's more to come! Love you and miss you all! Susie

I don't blog!!!

Hey everyone, obviously we made it here safe and sound. Today was the first day it was really cold, and we had to go shopping for a coat for Roman since he forgot his! And even though we've only been here a couple days, I already have an appreciation for where I live. London is a HUGE city, and it seems like people are just crammed in like sardines. They're not exactly friendly and/or helpful here, either. We've done pretty good navigating around with minimal help. The good news is I've been feeling pretty good, and keeping up with a couple of really bust days. Yesterday was an all-day adventure that included Stonehenge, and tomorrow another all-day tour to see Buckingham Palace and the changing of the guard. Wonder if a giant belch would get them to smule, hmm.......

Ok, I'm so done with this blogging thing, will try more later, I SWEAR!

I miss you and love you all,


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Electronic nightmares!

All batteries are dead! We found a converter that we thought would work... when roman plugged it in it blew the fuse for the whole room! Thank God my computer wasnt plugged into it! I did find a cable for my camara and got the pictures downloaded before the battery died! We went to Stonehenge, Windsor Castle, and Bath today! It was really interesting! The royals are very selfabsorbed!!! They have crowns on their Chrismas tree! The extravegance is unreal! The castle was very beautiful. Bath is gorgouse! We saw Nicolas Cage's new "flat". Very modest for 4 million pounds...9 million american dollars! Tomorrow we will head for Buckingham palace, Westminster Abby and parliament. Hopefully we can find a converter that works! Ann commented today that she hasnt felt this good in months! She looks great and is having a terrific time! She hasnt thrown up at all and she is eating well! Her and Roman woke up last night at 2:30 and had a "candy bar fest"!!! I think this was just what she needed! They say the waters at the Roman Bath are healing. I wanted to throw her in!!! She wouldnt let me... Darn! Others are in line for this computer, we'll talk later! Love you all, Susie

in london

im here...in london...um today we went to stonehenge and windsor castle and the ROMAN baths...it was pretty cool. we took lots of pictures that we hope to have up soon! i got a stuffed sheep from stonehenge b cuz in that little farmy area there is lots of sheep. i named him shaun. shaun the sheep. it deos everything a real sheep deos but wee! lol. okedoky im out 4 2day!
