Welcome to "Ann's Wish" Page! This page was created to follow Ann, Roman and Susie as they travel through Europe! We will try, depending on internet availability, to update this page often. We hope you enjoy seeing the sites through our eyes in the pictures we have posted.


Awesome Lucern!!!


The Lion monument, Lucern Switzerland


Gelato at the colosseum


When in Rome....

Sistine Chapel

Sistine Chapel
This is as close to the Pope as we got!

Sistine Chapel

Sistine Chapel
Follow the leader to the Sistine Chapel, Rome

Sistine Chapel

Sistine Chapel
Photo taken before the armed guards came in!


Roman's dream car




Venice Gondola Ride


Beautiful Venice


Haufbrau Haus Band


Beers for everyone!


Haufbrau Haus!


The Brass Monkey


We are in Germany!!!


One of the many beautiful churches


Are we ever going to get off this boat cruise!


ooooooops!!! Got in trouble for this one!



Boat to Calais

Boat to Calais
Our Taxi to Calais, France

Boat to Calais

Boat to Calais
Roman's awake!!!!!

Boat to Calais

Boat to Calais
See food for breakfast!

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge

Tower of London

Tower of London
Even Ann could'nt make this guy smile!

Tower of London

Tower of London

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace
The wind chill had to be -30! Brrrrrrrr

River Thames

River Thames
Roman's new friend!


Can you text from in here?

Westminster Abby

Westminster Abby

Westminster Abby

Westminster Abby

London Eye

London Eye

London Eye

London Eye

London Eye

London Eye
Big Ben and Parliament

London Eye

London Eye
View from inside the pod

We've been upgraded!!


Our Hotel

Hard Rock Cafe

Hard Rock Cafe
Too bad it was just his guitar!!!

London Cab

London Cab
Are'nt the cabs cute!

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle
Roman defending himself from the entire country!


Nice pile of rocks

Roman Bath

Roman Bath
Perfect fit for a nap!

Roman Bath

Roman Bath
Does'nt she look great!



Monday, December 31, 2007

We are in London!

Have you ever checked in with United airlines for an international flight? You have to use their little computer Kiosk. It asked to see our passports. Ann and I couldn't figure out how to get our passport in the little slot! Do we fold it open so it will fit... Do we leave it closed and maybe it will read through the cover.... When all else fails, ask for help! Right next to the tooo small slot we were trying to shove our passports in, is a little scanner that passports fit on perfectly!!!! DUH!!!! DIA was pretty uneventful after that! Our plane was a little delayed. No biggie! We were running pretty much on time until we got to Chicago, We had to wait about 20 minutes until the gate was clear. We were starting to get a little worried. It was 5:00 and our flight to London started boarding at 5:20. We finally got to the gate and the plane had "missed the mark" and was too far up for the walkway to connect to the plane! We had to wait another 15 minutes for them to push us back! By this time we were in a panic! Of course we were at the very back of the plane and it seemed to take forever to get off! We sprinted to the next gate and realized they had changed our seat numbers. When we boarded, they had upgraded us to "business " class!!! WOW!!!! It was awesome! Lot's of leg room, reclining seats, dinner menus, white tableclothes, REAL glass plates and cups! I felt like a princess!!! It didnt seem like 6 hours had gone by when we landed in London! Heathrow was pretty easy. Our shuttle picked us up at the airport. It was so weird when he opened up the door for us on the wrong side!!! The first turn he made scared me to death! I thought he was driving down the wrong side of the road! I have a lot of pictures, but didnt realize that my new laptop doesnt have the right size memory card slot! I forgot to bring my cord to connect directly to my camara! Hopefully I can find one tomorrow! This afternoon we took a double decker bus to Hyde park and went to the original Hard Rock Cafe. Ann got to hold Bon Jovi's guitar! Cant wait for you to see the picture of that!!! It's tooooo funny! Roman didnt sleep at all on the plane! We knew he was going to crash soon! He fell asleep at the table waiting for lunch! We dont know what we are going to do tonight for New Years Eve. I dont think we will venture out to far! We have heard that the transit systems will be on overload and we might not get back to the hotel! So we will probably hang out here! Thats Ok, though! We are leaving on a tour of Stonehenge, Bath and Windsor Castle tomorrow at 7:30 AM! Ann has been feeling great all day! A little tired this afternoon, but so am I!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tickets in hand!

We've got our tickets!!! This is so exciting! The Itinerary is packed with things to see! We will definitely be busy! There are so many things to think about... like how the heck do you pack for 18 days when you are limited to 50 lbs! COME ON!!! We are women! My shoes weigh more than that! I sure hope we have access to a washer and dryer! We have heard that the people in Paris really dress up all the time. Well... We are going to stick out like tourists! It's jeans and sweatshirts for me! We have also heard about problems with electrical appliances, so add a ponytail and ball cap to that ensemble! The one thing I am the most excited about is that Ann will be off of all of her Chemo drugs for a week before we leave!!! YEAAAAAAAA! She will be feeling great! If any one has any hints or suggestions for us PLEASE don't hesitate!!! We need all the help we can get! Susie

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

12 Days and Counting...

WOW!!!! Only 12 more days! I am so excited about our trip! I have always dreamed of going to Europe! More than the trip, I am excited and honored to be going with Ann and Roman! I have to admit, I am a little nervous! All of my energy and thoughts are going in the direction of Ann feeling great and having an awesome time with Roman! I have placed this wish in God's hands and know that All is well! This trip will be a dream come true for them! I will do everything in my power, with the Lords help, to make that happen! Susie